Empathizing Night Market Food Hawkers in Malaysia Using Design Thinking Approach to Improve Food Safety

Document Type : Original Article


1 Food Safety and Quality Division, Selangor State Health Department, Ministry of Health, Shah Alam, Malaysia

2 Azman Hashim International Business School, University Technology Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

3 Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering, University Technology Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

4 Department of Licensing and Hawkers, Kajang Municipal Council, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.


Food safety is a significant health concern in developing countries like Malaysia, where night markets, also known
as “pasar malam”, are often linked to food-borne diseases. The practices and environment of these markets are
often associated with unhygienic practices by hawkers, contributing to these illnesses. This study aims to identify the
experiences, perspectives, and problem statements of six hawkers from two-night market sites in Hulu Langat, Selangor,
Malaysia. Using the “Design Thinking” approach covering the initial stages namely “empathy”, “define” and
“ideation”, the study identifies the goals and pains of each hawker, aiming to address holistically to increase their
livelihoods and consumer’s quality of life. The development of a food warmer was chosen as the best solution, a
preliminary outcome of this study, not just it addresses their goals and pains, it also ensures food safety which would
reduce enforcement actions, lower the burden of authorities, and indirectly save resources. Consumers also would benefit
from increased quality of life and safe, quality products from night markets. To strengthen the study’s outcome, more
research is needed, considering wider night market sites, increased respondents/subject matters, and a wider variety of
dishes. The next chapter of the research would emphasize the final stages incorporating the “prototype” and “testing”
stages to develop physically the food warmer, including ensuring its functionality and obtaining feedbacks from the
existing users (hawkers) for further commercialization. A “user-centered design” (UCD) approach would be applied in
this final stage of the DT process.


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