Developing A Behavioral Model for Designers to Encourage Sustainable Consumption

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Industrial Design, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Faculty of Art and Architecture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.


Industrial design has played an influential role in developing consumerist culture. Given the design’s potential
for the growth of sustainable thinking, altering this direction is expected from design. Despite the increasing
recognition that mainstream design has unintended consequences, less attention is paid to consumer behavior as the
underlying cause of unsustainability, especially the impact of purchasing new products. By considering psychology
alongside design discipline, behavioral models provide a practical foundation to change behavior, and their use in
sustainable design is growing. Due to the narrow focus on purchasing, maintaining, and disposing of products, this
research aims to design a behavioral model in this area. In this regard, by studying literature in the field of psychology,
behavioral components and ways to affect them were extracted, and known models for behavior change were reviewed.
These findings were reanalyzed and utilized with sustainable design principles and evolutionary psychology to design a
model with design interventions to change consumption patterns. Designers can use this model to encourage sustainable
consumption. This is significant because the previous research only focused on reducing resource consumption and
promoting environmentally friendly behavior in their models. 


Main Subjects

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