Using Design Thinking Methodology to Transition from Paper to Digital System

Document Type : Original Article


1 Azman Hashim International Business School, University Technology Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia.

2 Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering, University Technology Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia

3 Gembirafood Sdn. Bhd., Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

4 Gembirafood Sdn Bhd. Johor Bahru, Malaysia

5 Quasoft Technologies Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Gembirafood relies on a paper-based monitoring system, leading to potential inefficiencies, errors, and
challenges for users. This research employs a design thinking approach to identify pain points, understand user
needs, and propose user-centric solutions to improve the monitoring system’s effectiveness and user experience. This
research employed the initial three stages of the design thinking process: empathize, define, and ideate. Empathize
involved understanding user needs through interviews and observations. The define stage focused on problem
identification and prioritization based on gathered insights. Finally, the ideate stage generated potential solutions to
address the identified challenges. Key challenges identified include complex and cumbersome forms, language barriers,
lack of standardization, and limited data accessibility. Users desire a simplified, user-friendly system with improved data
accuracy, faster processing, and enhanced traceability. The research proposes implementing digital forms, language
localization, automated data entry, and centralized data repositories. User training materials and clear communication
are also emphasized. The proposed solutions could improve data accuracy, efficiency, user satisfaction, and food safety
compliance at Gembirafood. Future recommendations include pilot testing, considering technology feasibility, and
adapting to evolving regulations. This design thinking project offers a framework for transforming Gembirafood’s
monitoring system into a user-friendly, efficient, and impactful tool for ensuring food safety and operational excellence. 


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