Deconstructing Visual Representation in Design: A Comprehensive Model of Sketching Activities in Design Process

Document Type : Original Article


Graduate School of Creative Thinking for Social Innovation, Musashino Art University, Tokyo, Japan


Sketching is a fundamental design skill essential across various design disciplines. This study aims to develop a
comprehensive model describing sketching activities throughout the design process, addressing the lack of unified
frameworks in this area. Through a systematic review of existing sketch taxonomies, a generic classification framework
was developed and integrated with the Uncertainty Driven Action (UDA) model. The resulting integrated model
incorporates four main parameters: cognitive approach, intention, function, and complexity. It provides a structured
approach to analyzing sketching behaviors across four design stages: investigation, exploration, explanation, and
persuasion. Proof of concept, including prototype testing and scenario analysis, preliminarily demonstrated the model’s
feasibility, integrity, and accuracy in describing sketching activities. The proposed model bridges the gap between static
sketch taxonomies and dynamic design process models, offering a theoretical foundation for understanding the role of
sketches in design thinking and problem-solving. It has potential applications in design education, research, and tool
development across various design fields, including product, service, and interaction design. This interdisciplinary
approach contributes to a deeper understanding of design cognition and representation, potentially enhancing design
teaching and practice. Future research directions include empirical validation, exploration of collaborative aspects, and
integration with digital design tools.


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