Fresh Flower Product-Service Systems Designed with TRIZ-Based Method

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Product Design, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Kunming, China.


In product service systems (PSS) design and with sustainable development needs, conflicts usually emerge due to
a major reason of requiring high-lever component functions, which could simultaneously add complexity to a
system. However, there is no research found that provides a well-structured methodology for eliminating identified
contradictions in PSS design. To narrow this gap, this study proposes a systematic PSS design approach based on the
TRIZ methodology for generating systematic solutions. A research-based design case enacted the proposed method to
show its feasibility. In this context, a design team was formed for the PPS system design regarding online/offline shopping
service systems with fresh flower products based on marketing needs, such as customers, the flower industry, and the ecommerce environment. The results demonstrated that the proposed approach is feasible and effective in innovation
service, with the case study, while aiding the design team in creating PSS products and services. The identified
contradictions were tackled in the design process, which generated intensive resolutions for the PPS systems. Finally, the
study discussed the features of the PSS design compared with the previous study regarding another PSS model of sharing
bikes, and summarized the facilitations with various techniques, e.g., a service blueprint for the online/offline shopping


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