Proposing a Learning Method to Deal with IllDefined Problems in The Real World According to The Characteristics of the Design Problem

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Design, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Faculty of Design, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran


The The real world is characterized by deep similarity and interdependence with ill-defined problems, observable
in different contexts. Every day, thousands of ill-defined problems are analyzed by people in various sciences, and
among the solutions, one is chosen for implementation. Addressing such questions requires a unique ability, and this
feature creates a distinction between professionals and beginners in the relevant field. Therefore, the ability to identify
such problems is very important, because solving these problems with a limited vision may lead to an inadequate and
incomplete solution, which sometimes leads to irreparable consequences in various fields. For this purpose, educational
design models were examined in this research. This study was conducted according to the characteristics of the design
problem, with the aim of choosing a suitable model to address and solve ill-defined problems in different areas of the real


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