Creativity and Design Process to Raise New Business Models: Analysis of a Co-Creative Framework

Document Type : Original Article


1 Federal University of Santa Catarina, Design and Graphic Expression Department, Florianópolis, Brazil.

2 Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Science and Technology School, Natal, Brazil.

3 University of Lisbon, Mechanic Engineering Department, Lisbon, Portugal.


The current frantic changes in the technological and social scope require that skills such as creativity has been
researched, since it acquires great importance in a context in which the market differentiation will depend on
creative minds. Thus, this research aimed to analyze the creativity as a design and innovation tool, seeking to maximize
its use through a creative framework to understand, script and evaluate the creative process, enhancing new ideas and
stimulating creativity in different companies. Understanding the important role that creativity plays in business models,
promoting innovative decisions in a competitive market. A descriptive scientific methodological process was performed
through a bibliographic research. After that, a creative framework was developed and carried out with 48 different
startups, in order to test and analyze the developed framework, allowing suggestions to improve future updates of the
framework. Finally, the results point out how the Creative Framework, as a systemic process, is important to generate
new and significant ideas. In this sense, the Creative Framework collaborates both with the design process by a ideation
phase script and boosting different business models, delivering possible operational improvements and new approachs
for the evolution of products and/or services addressed in startup’s projects.


Main Subjects

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